[MEDIA] mah ign tobiasplayzz his ign rivendor (This is old i would like my stuff back)
Thank you for the support :)
@Dyna_Mighty ;)
[MEDIA] My ign TobiasPlayZz his ign FreezyPvP.
Do you think it can have anything with the time-zones to do?
Intro : Hello my name is Tobias, i live in Norway and i can speak English. I am 13 years old and i would like to be a Moderator on your...
[MEDIA] My ign TobiasPlayZz Their ign Kencel0805 and dubbelduck1
@Herf It was hard to hit back.... Well not my choice.
[MEDIA] My ign TobiasPlayZz His ign Blueboy33. Ban this hacker for meh please :)
[MEDIA] My ign TobiasPlayZz their ign's ItzKappaDK and JonathanPiontek. I don't like hackers so get them away from the best server.
Ok done.
Where are you from. Oslo, Troms , Troms Minecraft Username: TobiasPlayZz How long have you been playing on the server?: Since 2013 i think with...