How old are you? As of October 4th 21:43:28 i am the age of 14 What is your In-Game Name? PrattGamezYT What Timezone are you in? Pacific/Canada...
First Things First I am PrattGamezYT, I just forgot my PrattGamezYT account info. So I'm going on my alts account. Now lets get on to the...
But if you go to pvp then accept what happened
Well don't run off when fighting someone if you wanted to get in a fight with them accept what happened for better or worse
Why are you rating my comment dumb because you know I'm right
Dude don't do that don't ender pearl in spawn you deserve it if you can't ender pearl correctly or you do it
See this is PrattGamezYT but i forgot my account info so I'm using my pratt21 I'm very active on the forums and on mineverse
Support you funny and mean but mostly funny
i messed up on the age i put 19 instead of 14
Can a mod lock This Please
first off i am active very active must say forums and in game. okay thanks for the recommendation, that is like a paragraph on why i should be...
can you please give a reason
I'm calling you
thanks for the tips
thank you so much i always welcome veteran mods to help me out
First Things First I am PrattGamezYT, But like any human being i forget things... and i forgot my PrattGamezYT Info Before you go and blurt out...
wanna make a deal
Just take it down remember the last time this happened a mod closed it because of not enough evidence