Well i would start at supreme Up to you If you know ur not gonna play for that long just go bottom to top ive been playing for 10 months :P
Well Done Guys 21 members have joined Quick Message we need some more staff Ingame name: Age: Contact details (Skype,Email,kik): Rank...
I am the one who makes admins and others please refer to this template Ingame name: Age: Contact details (Skype,Email,kik): Rank Applying for:...
PP really
I'm sorry please refer to the template to rank up in page 2
Your current rank is member the ranks left is admin 2 spots and officer 3 spots
Can it be like this (Head-Admin&Developer)
Accept I'll let Brendan know
Accepted Just Let Brendan see this if he agrees
I said head
Banned for banning someone for potatoes
Microsoft Me or him
That's a scam Just saying thx for the 400 dollars cptpicklez
Lawless xMinecraftElite is like in the top mostlymostly
I find it kinda hard
EztremePvP You Know My Skype Developer/Admin Head Admin/Developer Because i am very active and i want to become the head developer so i can do the...
Not kill aura Cant see hacks Your intro goes for too long
Brendan I made your current profile pic :D
Some more detail please Support