then how to get like messges she has 3k i am stuck on 45 how to get more msgs ?
but how i can keep on i am stuck on 45 ;-;
holy 3k :OOOOOOOOOOOO gratz mate
damin only 4 bans all of them are just 2 days nice
letes see if u banned someone perm or not at th last 72 hours XDDDDDDD i am sneaky peaky xP
1 hour and 34 mins to get unbanned :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i gotta admit i hate anime expect of one peice <3 xd
2 hours and 9 mins to get unbanned
xDDDDDDDDDDDDD great then lol
lol xdd u ll never understand me xDDDDDDDDDDD ex de
yah xD ex DEEE ex = x de = D = xD
2h 14m 43s to get unbanned :DD
you are not a mod :O
xDDDDDDDDDD i was banned on the server for one month and u are just being nice to me and liked my comment even tho no mod will do this damin who...
and thats how u shared ur personal information to many people great u must have made a private confersation xdddddddddd
2 hours and 37 min to get unbanned can u make it one hour pls ex DE xD
2 hours and 37 min to get unbanned :D
look who says lel :P xddddddddddd lel
how is your school xd ?