Welcome bud :)
You did not have solid evidence of him agreeing to the trade. For that reason your report is invalid. However you are banned for hacking.
Merks have inspired you well.
Hello bud. We mods appreciate your help. Howdever, we don't need you commenting on every help thread. Everything you said is similar to what we...
Fill out a form here. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/help-i-lost-my-rank-on-op-prison.35280/#post-370442 With evidence.
Screen shot it. Post it in Tinypics, or Gyazo.
Post in please.
It works for me bud.
What's your ign? Let me try.
Are you sure you put in your ign correctly?
Is this still an issue?
Still an issue? Are you still stuck?
Welcome back :)
Welcome bud :) Stay out of trouble ;)
Sorry. This isn't gravedig. Since it is a msg from mods.
Well if it's the post from minameizjeff. Fryz removed that. He was ban evading, and disrespect Pops. Does that answer your question?
It is not a ban, don't worry.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.