I don't approve. :/
Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. Anyways I want to say. Lola, doesn't matter what others say. You make great choices, you are positive, and...
I want to tell you that, I'm trying to be as active as possible. However, my perms are glitched. Merks tried adding back my god perms, and that...
1. What gamemode is this on? 2. Your evidence didn't prove anything 3. I need evidence of the whole trade Do you have more evidence?
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Hello bud. Welcome to MV :)
I wanted to make this thread, to wish Panah a happy birthday. Also celebrating our one year friendship. Dear Pandah, You’ve gotten me through so...
I have discussed this with sco, since this was a discuss/intro thread. It doesn't count as grave dig anymore. I have edit all the non related...
I don't see any evidence of you guys agreeing to the trade. Closing due to lack of evidence.
There's no evidence of you guys actaully agreeing to the trade. For that reason this report is invalid.
24 hours to fix the screen shot, so mods can review it.
Player has already been banned.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
I need screen shots of you guys agreeing to the trade, dropping those keys, actaully seeing the other player, and you paying him. The above pic...
I don't see any evidence of him scamming The first screen shot said "30 bil" that was it. The second one said "25" and the thrid one just said...
Do you have any evidence?
A warning.
Do not ban again. The ban list reset for a reason. Players do deserve another chance. If he's being rude or disrespect you in anyway, report him....