hello der i like to play minecraft with my friends because i like friends and they like me i also like to eat chicken with only 1 sock on...
Hello dere. my name is krishy10 and i like to eat chocolate. Anyway. back to the point. I feel that I would be an amazing mod by stealing peoples...
Hello dere comrads. I was thinkin bout this so I am ready to be moderator of this minecrafffp serper my ign is krusty100 and I am accepting to...
Your ingame name: Krishy10 The offender's ingame name: Lionbdcraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura/Other...
Your ingame name: Krishy10 The offender's ingame name: Numerology A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: KillAura...
Your ingame name: Krishy10 The offender's ingame name: YeetimusPrime A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks.....
1.Krishy10 2.eongod. 3. Hacking Kill aura. Watch the video carefully CAREFULLY! [media]
With this new forums Regular Players of MV can not view reports :( and honestly looking at people getting reported and watching the Evidence/Video...
1.krishy10 Nub:Rei1230 3: Swearing.. 4 MC SELFIES
Your ingame name: krishy10 The offender's ingame name: MrSnipe20 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking like a nub...
1.krishy10 2.trevorky 3. Hacks. 4. video [media] And I know I know I used this video to ban Ieatwafflez but I dont know why Im doing them...
1.krishy10 2.ieatwafflez 3. HAXOR ALLERT! 4. Video DUH!!!?!?!? [media]
1.krishy10 2.Captainxgamer15 3. Profanity at mod/Disrespecting Staff 4. Picture 5. to think he wants to be mod?
[media] The sound in the video LEL!!!
1.krishy10 2.Simonrock75 3. Tp trapping 4. Video [media]
t1taniumgamer was getting repaired by Unique_Ghost then I killed Him when I saw him in the distance and then he skyped us and threatened to Ddos...
1.Krishy10 2.zedrewman 3.Threats.
1.Krishy10 NOOB.archerhead 3.Profanity for no reason.
1.Krishy10 2.BigBootyjudy666 3.hacks Flashing 4. VIDEO [media]
Its Unbelievable on how everything someone would say to prove there not hacking Wont work for example. "Lets Screen share I will show You I dont...