Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: LoganH17 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: anti kb...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: Jguns99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: using lava...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123 The offender's ingame name: _mega_cookie_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: pretending to be...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: brownturd / O0Donut (second 0 is a zero first is letter) A description of...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: brendoproto69 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: jackli123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: bow hacks...
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123/progamer6 The offender's ingame name: Keffiebos06 had anti kb and teemu98 had kill aura A description of what rule...
Your ingame name: progamer6 The offender's ingame name: rocketdude17 and Nearbyenemy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
500bill op prison 1040 kitpvp set of p4 44000 factions 1100 skyblock 2000 sky wars 200000 op factions 350000 prison
your ingame name: tjenkins6123 The offender's ingame name: coolebrine24 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertisement...
your ingame name: Tjenkins6123 The offender's ingame name: roem99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertising... whos going to take over progamer6's ban appeal now that kitkat left??
-How old are you?: I'm 15 years old.(turning 16 on January 6th) -Your in-game name: My in-game name is tjenkins6123 -What timezone are you in?: I...
me messing with a kid thinking im using kill aura [media]
i will give 210 billion op prison 25 k factions 80 k op factions 500 skyblock 300k on prison 300 on kitpvp for god any offers??
i will give 210 billion op prison 25 k factions 80 k op factions 500 skyblock 100k on prison for god any offers?? must have god or titan already...
why arent the vote keys working i have 2 stacks of them and it wont let me use them it says "sorry but you cant open that here"
im on top of one of the towers ive tried to do /spawn but it kicks me before i can do anything help someone. thanks
I think with the higher donation ranks like elite god and titan should get more /chest's then other players who else agrees it would help you...