They look good But dude your grinding. Put up some useful info
Support cause I play alot of parkour and when I do my /warp ix I gotta say somthing between deaths its annoying
I Support this Sounds cool!
No Support It don't have the right requirements. You need to have all of this Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you...
My sis birthday is today You know Trinity right?
Oh xD
Well xD Thanks Thx* copied And happy 5 day early birthday
Im sorry Im Nutrual What i was thinkin you was copyied it or you used it on your self but nvm
Annoyed really annoyed
Im sorry for the proof
AlexHall2000 DMRH What I saw he had Speed he and Kill Aura and mabey Reach I know that Cause he was do insane combos while i couldn't reach him...
guys i cant put his ign for some reason but here it is IGN: oOScrewOo
My IGN: AlexHall2000 My Rank: MVP Your forums account name: AlexHall2000 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Natsu...