Sam tagging Cyp won't help unless your a mod that's why I tagged pile
@Pile_of_Butts she should be able to help you good luck I hope you get it fixed
Does it show you having the rank?
@jadey64 @Pile_of_Butts
And stop involving me in your childish game play
Your forum name: tjenkins6123 The offender's forum name:treelegs A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:rate abuse...
I'm sorry to inform you 1 good deed does nothing he has done more wrong than right
You still have free and next time you rank up it will fix it
Last I knew you couldn't but ok
But I think only side ways and up
You can/jump threw anything
Don't post negative stuff on my profile will be removed
@Pile_of_Butts what did you tell me about daddy before
I'm on phone im 15 and im not making false accusations Pile_of_butts knows he would do this you just all hate me so you stick up for him
I would post proof but it has an Address fairly close to mine on it
Lol daddy last I knew ddosing was against the law
Lol pile knows you have done it in the past soo
@CypriotMerks why do you let people like daddy who has ddosed and stole people's info from when he was mod still on the server
(Daddy)Doxyou(skypename) you really need to stop grow a pair I'm not stealing anyone's mc accounts not stop ddosing me
@pokemaniac01 he might be able to help you