Btw you can use /chest 1 but I think there should be more than 1
pvping and stuff like that
you dont want to keep going back to your plot over and over a /chest 2 or /chest 3 would be faster and more efficient
I think with the higher donation ranks like elite god and titan should get more /chest's then other players who else agrees it would help you...
im guessing prison and there are chest with signs on her/his plot they want off it
my brother lost his money and the player is still on the server to me thats an issue but apparently to chloyybear4ever its okay scamming and...
2nd nub
Your ingame name: tjenkins6123 The offender's ingame name: mmeeth Masonnolan05 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spamming...
What do you mean marloo
His other account was banned months ago( by pile I think)
I mean come on the kid scammed him and was hacking
Progamer6 reported someone and being he cannot use his main account he used his new account to post the report to try and get rid of the hacker...
Lol Okay
First of all camel do you not remember trying to scam me and second cyp may have put them in the game but someone was making more of them
Everyone forgot the most important 2 pile and misspvp
Your ingame name: Tjenkins6123 The offender's ingame name: markykos A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spamming...
btw not the smartest idea it will lock you out of some things
[email protected] try emailing them the proof and they should be able to help
Just send it to [email protected] and just showing you payed and it's your account
@ScoFu13 idk how you would fix this but I think sco will help the best he can