any takers and all i got on kit is 300 soo
i will give 210 billion op prison 25 k factions 80 k op factions 500 skyblock 300k on prison 300 on kitpvp for god any offers??
i will give 210 billion op prison 25 k factions 80 k op factions 500 skyblock 100k on prison for god any offers?? must have god or titan already...
... lol okay good okay cookie you may lock this
How did he get banned..
yeah you may close
you get vote keys every like 60(maybe more) people that do /vp or something like that
its working now so idk what the problem was yesturday
or atleast tell me why its not working
@Taylor @CypriotMerks can you help
dont need to be a a**
hey everyone im going to start attempting to play more no promises tho
they are all from me voting or getting them from vote partys so im just going to guess there legit
watermellon do you think im that stupid...
why arent the vote keys working i have 2 stacks of them and it wont let me use them it says "sorry but you cant open that here"
i got it now thanks scofu you may close this
@ScoFu13 do you know anyone on op factions that can tp people??
im in safe zone
im on top of one of the towers ive tried to do /spawn but it kicks me before i can do anything help someone. thanks