Do u even know who she is?
Thats still a bad deal
That... is the worst deal I ever saw in my fricken life. 3k on kitpvp for titan or higher ._.
You are very Disrespectful I remember you bullying a noob. I didn't see you every be kind. Be more mature So I'm not Supporting you. I just don't...
Can you explain a bit more I don't quite understand :/
No advertising k thanks see ya.
K i'll do it now. I will do the 1920/1200 background and then the utube banner. I tried to make it but i'm being serious it come out bad. So what...
Hmmm no support go away.... ;-; Jk.. ;-; Support meh nub
You know what. I support this. Every time...
No Support. Sorry its just that people made and still make amazing structures and its just the fact it took a lot of time and effort to make them.
So you would like a banner or a thumbnail?
k Ill try now.
Its in the title xD Photoshop and Gimp. :)