whoops sorry wrong one
My Ign:Grizzly_Mcdonald Other Ign (Person who called me names) KillTman2000 Reason:He Was calling me a and he called me all these names...
pm meh
neh breh
Gizz hossin always takes it personal xD
No support,Add more also your not nice on kitpvp :/
Support :D great job
My IGN:Legion_Novek "Hackers" IGN:Boss_At_Pvp He Was Using Jesus Hacks Proof: [media]
You can see the running affect and people cant run up ladders like he did
Hey Guys Im doing A big give away Once my YouTube Reaches 100 Subs. On Kitpvp i will Drop 2 sets of p4 Ub 3 and Other Things that are Worth alot....
My Ign:Legion_Novek "Hackers" ign: TNT_Jr Was running up ladders and you can see the running affect Proof:https:...
I can record them More
Your ingame name:Legion_Novek The offender's ingame name:There are 3 of them in the Video A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
Thank you And how do i add color?
How old are you?14 Your in-game name:xxNovekxx What timezone are you in?Central What country do you live in?America What languages do you...
Your ingame name: xxNovekxx The offender's Forum's name: Fi6shy and manwill123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...