I just want to share that I shared my account with 3 other people and It was possibly one of the 3, but now the account is mine and I am the only...
support <3
no promblem xP
Cypriot is the one who accepts the applications. He just uses the information that you write to judge. He is able to tell if you are worthy of the...
Honestly, I have nothing against you. I don't know why you have so much hate towards me. I think just maybe work on being a little more kind to...
Thank you for your support <3
Thank you <3 Thanks a lot <3 I will PM u the app without color
the archives are only about the things that I listed in my map. There are no of me scamming.
<3 Thank you for your support :D
Thank you so much <3
Thanks Sean :>
YES YES YES YES YES YES. soz, this H A S to be added.
No support, sorry. You tend to get upset easy.
Can I have one? :3 IGN: MCExplore
working on it xD
I honestly can tell you that I don't scam people, but I respect you opinion.
Thanks a lot <3
Thank you so much <3 Literally my main goal right now is to become a nicer person. In-game I'm just joking around with friends, its not meant to...