Oh. Thank you. I'll delete, didn't know.
MCExplore’s Moderator Application Introduction I believe the time has come for me to do this. I have been playing this phenomenal server for...
Can I get someone to lock this please? @HipsterChick @PopIs_MyLife
Congratz to all the new mods!
I think it's a good idea, but the strength pots would be too op.
Your ingame name: MCExplore The offender's ingame name: CheatahGirl123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect...
That awkward moment when...... @MrParkourGuy [ATTACH]
Okay so I thought this would be a fun game, so you basically just comment your favorite TV show. Pretty simple. Not really a game >.> Rules:...
Thanks for the support <3
He was playing OpFactions apparently.
Thanks for the support.
tbh np :P
Tbh ur name is cool
Thank you.