Bump! Accepting more players now. Go ahead and apply if your interested!
Your ingame name: MCExplore The offender's ingame name: Hamster_OverLord A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...
@CypriotMerks please consider?
Massive support. This would be a great addition.
No support. I'm sure all most of the staff would never do this, but If a staff member one day decided that they want to go against the rules then...
Norman Reedus af.
Norman Reedus ad.
You spelt Atlantic wrong towards the benign and you gave a lot of grammar mistakes such as you didn't capitalize "I" in a lot of places.
50% support. Also you have some spelling errors you might want to check out.
100% support. You did an outstanding job at mod and I think that you will do and outstanding job at guard. Good luck.
Thank you so much <3
I didn't have a forums account until after I started playing. It hasn't even been a year since I've had my forums acc. Plus I wasn't active before.
you forgot chocolatebros too
you forgot me -_-
Thank you so so so much <3 Thank you on the feedback.
kitpvp, skyblock
Thank you so much.
Thank you for the support. It means a lot.