Actually, Rakion did. Look at where I quote his post earlier in the thread.
Funniest part about this: Multiple accounts are not allowed by any user. (Exception: Creation of a ban appeal account is allowed as long as the...
So you are saying you didn't break any of the following rules? Ratings farming and abuse of the ratings system will result in a removal of all...
Don't worry, everything is recorded on the forums logs. So all the ones you removed can still be easily accessed.
More rating abuse. Here's a list of top negative ratings for you [ATTACH] RapistSheep: [ATTACH] CrystalStar: [ATTACH] Daniel: [ATTACH] Manuel:...
Are @TNT Explodes 02 @Squirrel Man or @Unicorn Girl any more Alts? Just a simple question. Might as well get your...
Nope you didn't. He said disagree.
Mod clarify?
@I like cake @Turtle man73 @Bros Team More Alts?
Yet I can hide from broken images... Edit: Realized they are imuger links.
All you need to do is go to notable members and look at negative ratings. [ATTACH] Many of their ratings originated from you or your "teammate"...
Want me to present more proof?
So you "just so happened" to down rate almost all of Manual's posts, even one just saying "or" I find that hard to believe. I have all the...
Your In Game Name: ImDaWinner Offender's Forums Name/ IGNs: Awesomely28 Rule Broken: Like farmed and abused ratings Description: Over the past few...
UMG no support you bump app Lol, support.
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Erm, shouldn't it be te other way?
Maybe /ptime so people can choose what time they want?