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clickidy click click click
You didnt say please ;(
I only came here cuz of the name
(not a single tbh was given that day)
awdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd inawdniawd...
Noobcrew replied to me...
Ik, i just watched 3 people get banned for nothing .-.
Hi. Ur nice.
Optifine is better in all angles of the Mineverse capes. With Optifine, you can buy a single cape, then make any design or change the colors....
Scorvix, way to farm dem cookies.
Ignore the people who go off topic
32 Im wasting my life. If you wanna try to be funny go somewhere else because we're trying to have fun and people like you screw it up. SO STAY...
I advertised in the MINEVERSE LOBBY and got banned >.>
(just support, i give cookies)
How old are you? 14 but my says i act like a 5year old Your in-game name: v3x What timezone are you in? some pacific ocean What country do you...
Maybe by face, but no as in the whole body