So let me get this straight.. A player that's not really well-known apologizes for what he did on the server. A well-known player, like an...
I missed you too bby
More detail could be used in the cliff. Overall GJ
Anyone here good with Cinema 4D?
Don't disappoint me again
No sense of humour
@Grays0n everyone else laughed when I told it
No one here has any morbid humour .-.
Hi qt
Now fegit. U know how to get hackers banned. Like u do 10 reports a day. #herf4mod
Become a mod.
How did this go from a copy and paste the human biology...
.... xD Goodluck?
RIP - This application
Didn't know you could apply for Dev
Dude, you've BS'ed so much it's not even funny anymore.