no he didn he was flying out there and when I screenshots he goes back I think he see me
U can now see Anakin0927 is flying around outside the map. [ATTACH]
U can see he is flying around outside the world.
thank you guys
last time I build a kingdom cause I have /kit god than a creeper spawns I try to kill him with my sword but there were 5 of them than my kingdom...
nope he was never a mod I ask the owner before :p
I taught that too
CRAZ YFLYING CHIPMUNKNew Member New If i were a member of staff and was allowed to help you i would but i cant. The rules of the server say that...
ok than ty
Ban Anakin0927 he just kill me with his bow and I taught he was human. I don't have screenshots cause it happens before I am a human
before that I donate cause it has /jump command so I donated . but someone report that command and I cant use it anymore! I donated for that and...
u r so pity...
so u ban him?
u said u logged in to others account that's mean ur a hacker :mad: I hate hackers
I hope those staff members know when someone share screen on Skype, you cant screenshots. If u said "No proof = No ban", I will be so sad but nvm...
actually I did too and I did died:(
When I log in,it suddenly said "you already logged in". Than SmartLoser knows I am back, so he left my account. When I log in back, I check my...