Welcome to the forums
hello and welcome
well an app would have a better format, and i no that on some types of phones the forums do not work
i really like how your did the colors, nice job ;)
wow your banner is really cool, nice job. :D:D
nice app, but maybe you could space the questions out more so it does not look like a big block of writing. :D:D
Your signature is really big, its kind of obnoxious
thx for telling me you guys :D
i deleted it
oh, well idk i don't go on skyblock forums so...
Can cyp delete this thread pleese... thx
lol this is my best pixel art
wow, nice job
i am a noob with pixel art, but i can still make some
everyone has been having this problem, i'm sure that noob is working to fix it
you should make your banner smaller, its kinda obnoxious no offence :D:D
lol i could watch your banner for hours @_@
lol same