wow = What over What?
Cyp I am a Ceo on Mineverse and I Wanna be a God / admin But I carnt upgrade what I do???
thx :P
So I am a Ceo and I think I donated $85 or $80 for the rank and I wanna donate more to become a god but On the page there is no upgrade from Ceo...
Laugh accidently Wildly loud xD
I like Bart
Well nice intro xD
wee ned dat bed spelin thing!
Dman I need those colours!
Is this a new intro ? :P
Were det bed spelin renk wen u ned it xD
lel = Laugh Extra loud lerl = laugh extra REALLY loud :P!
Are u called Sleepy cause U sleep a lot like a sloth :P!
It pronuced Lerl xD
Name :Youngy (nickname) IGN : youngyyoungster Age : 14 Skype : Ill msg u it or something I dont want random requests Mineverse Rank : CEO What are...
k thx
Lol <3
No. :P
Ye lol :P