I'm not posting this in 'Help', for I'm not seeking help. I know there's no solution to this issue, but I want to talk about it: I had an island...
I'm sure @CypriotMerks & @Noobcrew are aware of this, but recently the jump pads have ceased to work. Many of us players have built our plots with...
My ign - CountryGirl_ Reason for report - Hacking, anti kb. [MEDIA]
Crixu44, JuJuRocks, XeroTRV2 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Proof that he was using a bow: (It says "Shot" indicating use of bow) [ATTACH] Proof that he's a prisoner, so he couldn't of been fighting in the...
I'm curious to see what the most favored game-mode is here! I was going to make a poll about this, but I'm not aloud to make enough poll response...
It's finally here, after 1000 suggestions... Trading/exp rooms! [ATTACH] feat. @Rodeen
[ATTACH] With the mute evasion: https://gyazo.com/b58aabb2296f0aabbb688ee199c02cc9