Getting this up ;)
Honestly this looks like a good group. However, I can name at least 4 people that are using hacked items and playing unfair. So yeah... You...
Any proof?... Follow the format
I do support this, that'll be fun ;)
Getting this up a bit ;)
Thank you sir ;)
Please follow this: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
Called photoshop xd
Because like I hack on OTHER servers. The point is that I'm NOT hacking on mineverse. I do not necessarily ruin the gameplay by using feecam. Now...
I honestly lol'd on this. If I said I didn't hack, then I didn't have. Why would I? hacking is just ruining the gameplay, and I like playing...
I have a hacked client because I hack on other servers, doesn't mean I hack here -.-
Thank you all for supporting me :)
Kit PVP, because it's awesome
Thank you :) glad that the forum is finally up!
Thank you ;) yours too!
Well, the fact that you used the only hacked sword in the server 2 days ago, then you lost it with all (I think) hacked pieces you have and then...