Hey troy, you look like a cool dude (;
I do have a life, and trust me, it's much better than yours.
Did you even read what she said...?
Thank you for asking these questions. 1. "ton of hacked armour in the past" - I had hacked armor in the past, I tried cleaning the server up...
Just because you donated 80$ doesn't mean you deserve mod. It'll just reduce your chance by stating it. I do not support this.
C and C++ are native languages, they're the most hard languages to understand and you need to be experienced to code in them. You don't even need...
Do /auc, it'll show you all of the commands related to auctions
Okay. A lot of people speaks hebrew, you can check. Reports are important and they are related to the application. I would really appreciate it if...
Hello. If you didn't know, since "butter" was patched people found a new glitch that can make them combat log without losing their items....
I have been learning C# for 2 years, java for half a year and PHP for about a month. I recommend to start with C# or VB.net, as they're the most...
Yeah sure quad, why?
Thank you everyone, really.
Thank you buddy (:
You replied on my thread saying that yesterday -.-
Should be banned.
It's simple, I do not think you should be mod. You keep on bumping your own thread, like seriously, 75% of your thread's posts are your own....
I do not support this.
I'm not even mad, so don't tell me to "calm my tits". He posted on my application that he think that I "can't handle situations well". I quoted...