I'll just stop reply to an annoying prick like you.
I am not even playing MV anymore o_O and please talk english.
Keep going, you guys are so funny together!. The 127 is in safe hands, trust me (;
@Camel46, stop being retarded. "Jew land"? Are you kidding me?. In addittion, did you ever heard of something called "internet", or wikipedia....
Hacked clients are legal, unless you use them to have some kind of leverage on other players, then it's not.
Ofcourse it was just them. You're nowhere near a tard. Also, @TheSteeFlame @Camel46 , Here is some info on 9/11: were a series of four...
Lmfao. Learn history tards. The amount of stupidity that your posts contain is amazing. Just don't hack us, please...
Oh my, the godly l3333ttt hax0r TheSteeFlame just told me to shutup!!!
Are you seriously going to joke about something like this?.
Oh look, here's the l33t hacker again.
You are using hacks too. Hacked clients are allowed as long as you don't use it to have a leverage on other players. Also why grave digging?
How I rate abuse exactly? And there's a difference between a joke and pure stupidity.
No support, again. Your childish and I do not think you can handle this job for various reasons. Sorry.
You do know that [email protected] doesn't mean anything, right?. Oh wait I forgot, you just want to be cool l33t hax0r
Lol'd. You must be really desparate, Edwin.
I don't think so, I call bullshit
Ryan, I'll be posting a video of you hacking very soon, don't worry. (;
Sorry for the language guys, I was pissed on some things IRL. edited my post.
You're annoying. Stop repeating what you said like 5 times -.-