LOL!!! I just saw a post earlier by ashley12zena, SHE ALSO USES "You'r" lol BUSTED SKID!! Ashley also uses "You'r"....
Oh really, so you're saying DDosing is not a crime? Scrub, telling me to learn my facts lol. Listen to this "Distributed Denial of Service Attack...
More info, no support.
OMG, I hope you didn't break a sweat, because I can give 2 sh*t. I don't pick on people, you so just happen to be the guy who is always spamming...
I'm quite positive that its ashley12zena's alt. She knows she has a rough history due to her bans. Her grammar also stinks, just like this kid...
Your one to talk, better grammar my a$$, okay. Lol, I'm 16 and I know way more about grammar.
So far you have rated me dislikes for stating the truth? lol not mod worthy at all, another reason why I don't support. Also fix your age, you may...
Just bump :>
Just bumping your application mate.
No support
You just joined today. No support skiddo.
7 years since the release in 2009??? LOL.
You just joined today, you're probably an alt of ashley12zena. You don't sound 24, more like 9. No support.
Stop the constant bumping xxElitayy. Its annoying af, you're just receiving hate and no supports. Also you're just trying to make your...
Just letting you know, simply anyone can watch a video on DDosing and learn how to lag the connection. I've talked to many young kids, (Around...
He can't even get close to making the server lag one bit, the only thing he can do is send a 'few' packages and lag peoples connection, so he can...
mind making the whole application use up the application, instead of squeezing it all together?
ok but u still havent sent me pack
You're going to call me an alt because I am a new member?!? lol, I came to forums long ago. But not this forums account. And if you didn't know...