JASMINE476's MOD APP Your in-game name: Jasmine476 What timezone are you in? [EST] (Eastern Standard Time) What country do you live in? I live in...
Holy crap... this map's a biiiiiiig one... (Made by jasmine476) [INFECTION] WELCOME TO MVHS (Mineverse High) Well school's almost out (for...
Hey, this time I have a quick suggestion for new infection maps coming up. If it is possible, maybe human spawn positions and zombie spawn...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jasmine476 The offender's exact ingame name:...
My suggestion is just to replace the gamemode 3 perk for staff members with /vanish. My idea for this came off the infection server. Whenever a...
-+=+- LOCATIONS OF PLACES THAT ARE AND ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE -+=+- Hello, and thank you for looking at my guide on possible and impossible...
IGN/Team Name: jasmine476 Map Name: Temple Gamemode for Map: Infect Description of Map: To put it basicly, ever since kits got removed from...
What if... alphas were picked BEFORE the game but weren't made alpha until the game actually started? Ok so a little background on this...
IGN/Team Name: jasmine476 Map Name: Hardcore Parkour Gamemode for Map: New gamemode (preferably make the parkour gamemode into a folder and fit...
Ok, I have little time, cause school and all... yeah... but... here's a suggestion. When staff respond to reports, they usually get responded to...
When was the last infection map accepted? I looked in the archives and the most recent one I found was 1 year and 1 day ago today. Now this may...
Mineverse's community (or at least 70% of it) is a deathtrap known as "popularity". I have noticed that everyone who is popular among the server...
IGN/Team Name: jasmine476 Map Name: Marketplace Gamemode for Map: Infection Description of Map: Welcome to MARKETPLACE! This is my first...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jasmine476 The offender's exact ingame name: IchbiweYT...
-=- FAKE CRATE KEY GUIDE -=- Recently I have seen many players using a new scamming techneque called "Fake Key Selling". This tactic is used by...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jasmine476 The offender's exact ingame name: _Epik_ A...
Cause why not, right??