Thanks Rythen your the best ;)
Mind if I ask why?
thanks for all the support people!
IGN: Halex00 Age (just give us a rough age e.g. 9-11): 16 Prestige: 5 Donator Rank (if any. also be advised that you have low chances of getting...
at least...
It's called bandicam, it's free if you google it
To be honest I was reading up on norse mythology a while ago when and I found out about the yggdrasil from that but when I saw the picture on...
alright thanks for the reply, maybe I will add barriers on the sides of the grass level half way up the tree to prevent that..
looking at this thread again, at least 4 pages is just you bumping I bet 3yerrt lol.
I showed all the spots above and on the spawn level of the map and the only other possible areas to hide in are any possible little holes on the...
Alright I understand, that was a concern when I was building this and as a solution all the spots on the map have 2 ways for zombies to get to...
Maybe but meh the map is big enough already :/ anyways thanks for the support.
Thanks guys!
Thanks jhow :p
Lol ok good 2 know :P
Thanks! I will take that as a support.
Just read the message above this one and thanks for the support!
I understand that concern and that's why most spots have two ways in and the spawn is halfway up the tree. Also the map doesn't have much parkour...
Mainly when I say other spots I mean some trees on the ground level and maybe some nooks and carnies in the trunk lower down, nothing too major. I...
Sorry for how wordy this is but it is in your favor to read the whole thing. Hello again, its me Halex. Okay so I once again worked on an...