Thanks guys <3 anyways for my top mods and builders I think anyone can be one if they put in the effort and try
that was a fun day :P
Thanks to all of you wonderful peoples <3
Yep those things on the top of the light fixture are metal leaves :P
Thanks for mentioning me Psycho, and thanks for appreciating all the work I put into building for the server! <3 Ya I remember that too, those...
lol what a coincidence
I reapplied guys wish me luck! Here is the submission this time in video :D [MEDIA]
I know I saw you too :P
There are differences from it to uhc for example, because the ores respawn and there are set mines, getting resources is much less grindey. Also...
those bumps tho ^^^
If you mean the blue thing in the back, no that's a marble run I made a few years back, the instructions were in Russian and I was proud of it...
I don't understand why people are putting torchwood in their profile pictures, but I found it funny so I did it
Updated my profile picture, see if you can notice the difference... Photoshopped it myself, I think I did a good job :P
I like cold but not too cold maybe 65-55 degrees F.