What do you mean bu 'you can only see the snout'?
Can u fill in the form?
Ok ill do it as soon as KlutzyGiant4 gets of the computer ;)
Ok, minecraft or normal huskey
on? :3
:3 i dunno , um... I guess anything?
:D and wacha waht?
:D wacha want?
I have just been having a little fun drawing (took 1 hour ;-;) , its kinda bad coz i have to use a mouse on paint, but if anyonone wants one of...
:3 i didn't need help then xD
People If Anyone says you ''SUCK'' say ''u SWALLOW''(just putting it out there)
illl help what is it cailyn
It was so fun (i was in the skype call with sammy :3)
im looking for cheeps cuz i kinds made someone p4 hats ;--; FOR NO REASON
hum.. lemme see.. @McNerd234 for always being a bad sport, oh don't forget that he makes me laugh so much i cry ;U;* cough *
hum.. you selling any v swordzies?
yes. just simply yes.
well it should for t he better.