Scorpio is hatin cuz he knows ima RIGHT.
just dont worry bout it :P you just have skillz they wish they had ;)
Could you add me insted because people have the same name as u
ok ill call u and we will have a chat about it k? I cantr find u on skype add me insted my name is KlutzyMinny4
What part?
Fill the form in?
We decided to make a shot minecraft movie and need Students and bullys, if you want to be in this film go onto mineverse creative and ill give u...
I thought a mod would be kind and say something like, not a lot of people agree on this thread and it will be closed down, i am sorry for the...
waw, mineverse people are so horrible, just remember 1 word could make them think about it over and over and it could get worse than thinking.
i got that the first time
;) possibly
no. trust me they do :)
i aked what people think and u are the one who actually told me xD thx and i was mad at this time so i didn't really think :P oh and every one ^^^...
i did that so you can see the two arrows being shot at the same time T.T
Lovely to know people on mineverse is the most lovely people ever! <3 really helped my friend with the cutting situation! thx so much for all the...
thats still shouldn't be allowed just because its 'stupid'
first doing a give away then leaving but thx for the support <3
Because people like u