for several months I have been on II don't worry I'm not asking for /fly but I have been asking for completed people to help me... it always takes...
First of all I'm sorry for posting a lot! Why is it against the rules to carry pressure plates on kitpvp?
I was wondering why is it illeagel to use /bukkit:me? I'm VIP and I can just do /me am I breaking the rules? I don't wanna be banned
Hi :) I'm unslainable123! I can guarantee you will see me on mineverse I'm mostly on skywars but you will see on skyblock and lots more mini games...
Why get it? Because its fun! Disguise as a block and hide! How do you play? Its simple! First their is a seeker chosen... The rest are...
Whoo789 was threatening to DDoS me! he msged me on skype saying my IP (which i removed the message) but i don't know how to take a screenshot on...
We were doin a livestream and at about 15:00 you can see a mod hacking or used /fly and flew and killed me and my friend! link: [media] and my...
Hi! i was wondering how when i go by plots... there are blocks beyond the stone slab... how do they do that??? is it hacking? or against the...
Hi! i was killing pigs on skyblock and noodle54 went and fly hacked all around like knocking pigs off and EVERYTHING being a idiot PROOF
Well I can't seem to get access to kit vip anymore... and when I type in skywars chat it does not show my rank... so I can't do kit vip
Draw my thing is a plugin that a person is chosen to draw! While the others try and guess what it is! It is a very fun plugin!
Hi! i've noticed that i upgraded to member but how do i see all my trophies like how close i am to active member? Thanks! -unslain
How do i get Active Member on the mineverse website??? i have been a member since i think augest! and still don't have it! then theres someone who...
I was wondering if theres a way to change my name: unslainable123 to: unslain? NOT my whole MC but just on mineverse? cause it takes 20 minutes...
Today on skywars i went on to play a couple games before bed... well i went to do /kit VIP then it said no access... i'm like... OH GREAT! i typed...
Hi! i was wondering if i'm allowed to you know give support on some mod apps? or do you have to be a staff? just wondering
How old are you? 10 Your in-game name: unslainable123 What timezone are you in?UTC-07:00 What country do you live in? USA (United States Of...
I Have No Access To The VIP Stuff On Factions! ! ! Please help! The File Of The Video Corrupted :?( Can't You Look Up That I Bought VIP?
hi! i have been on II on parkour for 3 MONTHS no not days not weeks MONTHS im about to just throw my mac out the window! any advice or anything? i...
hi! i saw people writing in cool colors! but how do i do that? i don't need a reply right away! i just wanted to do it for fun thats all! does it...