name: seang3706 your name:unslainable123 a description of what they did: seang3706 was swearing at me for no reason trying to bypass pwnfilter...
name:carterringate your name:unslainable123 evidence/proof: what did they do?: swearing at everybody... for NO reason... the only reason is...
names: creepercameron09, BillyJ2004 what did they do? they called me gay! evidence/screenshots: plz ban them! they were spamming this for a...
MrLol909 was hacking... he was completed and i mentioned in chat that he was hacking... he reset and said he did not... in under 20 min he was...
heroerben9 was hacking on parkour... and...well yea!
though i am on a good mac... i admit i get alot of lag... whenever it rains i just see the chat say "lag!!!!" and when i fall then i never respawn...
a guy named seang (there are numbers after that but i forgot them) says he has screenshots of me "hacking"... but i am completed so... whats the...
ok... i had to use another random prefix because parkour was not listed... i did not get the full name and copy it but you can see in the video...
Hi! i apologize if my grammar is terrible! anyways... i think you guys should add OP SkyWars... it seems you have been adding alot of op servers!...
ok... it wasn't on creative it was on parkour but it was not listed... but anyway crafter42004 was saying... well... i really don't wanna say it D:
lately i have been on mineverse and people have been hating me... like on parkour... they say i hack NEWSFLASH i don't even know how to install a...
Hi! i don't know if i am putting this in the wrong section so please move it if it is! i was completed yesterday but i came on today and idk why...
how old are you? i am currently 10 years old Your IGN: unslainable123 What timezone are you in? Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00) What...
Name: HyperPigmon Server: OP PVP
I am a completed now i finished II and the rest... it's getting boring now... by any chance could you guys add more parkour maps? thanks!
this person was advertising a server and spamming for a long time
NLgamerHD was clearly flying and actually managed to fly hack all the way and is now on III and that is so unfair.... it says i can't upload any...
i was scrolling through my screenshots and found a pic of me on parkour completing II... i was completed but was stupid and accidentally right...
I wasn't sure about posting it here... i thought it was only for mineverse related things... but i saw someone post something off-topic so i will...
this person: Furykilla4 was SPAMMING non stop!