I am going to be hosting a Parkour competition soon. If you would like to help judge, just write something in the comments and I will PM you all...
So, I recently reported Xx_BonnieMc_xX for advertising, I went on today, and she was on! I asked how, she said rudely, "There is such a thing as...
My friend ItzFreddyPanda got his cape hacked today. This is the message it says when he logins The cape was moved from "ItzFreddyPanda" to...
This is the proof: Bai
Hi, umm. I wasn't playing with anything.. just one day, I went on to Firefox and it was in Japanese or something. I have tried EVERY browser I...
It works! Just go to this link: Google.com Search: The answer to life
I was just having a good time with my friend on Skygrid, then this idiot comes along, raids my base, tells me I waste my $ on ranks, I have no...
This is how it went, I love changing my name, it gives me something to look forward too every month. Me and my friend are building a SkyWars map....
This is a Parkour race! There is a 30 player limit though. EVERYONE who participates will have to reset there rank so it is easier to judge who...
When I clicked the sign, it says in chat I bought it, but it says D. Also I do not have access to C either.
Hello, welcome to my TBH! (To be honest). Put something in the comments, I rly don't care what.. as long as it is something. :P
Hello! Me, and @_BubbleGumChewer have made a SkyWars map that we call, "The End". I hope you like it! It took us a lot of planning! EDIT: New...
Someone threatened me saying: "I am going to downgrade you to premium" Pls help!
I know this does not have ANYTHING to do with MC, but I still need help. When I launch an app, Netflix, Email, Etc. It always comes up with a tip...
There is a rumor going around on Twitter saying, and I quote, "Tomorrow morning MC:PE 0.11.0 should be available for all Apple and Android users!...
Your IGN: Billy_Panda The offenders forums name: Xavier A description of what rule they broke: Rate abusing Proof: Look at the posts on his...
If you go to google and type : Do a barrel roll Well.. you'll see ALSO! Go to <edited>! Cool stuff.
If you see in chat "Join this server! FREE staff ranks, and free ranks! JOIN NOW! <Edited>" They will most likely say "Sorry, Idk who did that, we...
Ok, for over 5 mths now, when I do a skyblock command, it shows up with "An Internal Error Has Occurred" If you need a screenshot I will gladly...
spongejosh2014 was spam hacking, it means he is using a hacked client to say something like a hundred times. He calls me a hacker, and a noob, and...