Hey all! Been a while so here to share my most recent look. As some of you may know, today is my birthday and my mother got me a bow tie and one...
Ello! When I was on here before I was gifted VIP rank as Mistycrow and I would like that reinstated whenever possible. I know you're a busy bunch...
Your ingame name: __BadWolf__ The offender's ingame name: BigWangInYoThang, IIScorpio and LenaLePanda A description of what rule they broke/how...
Hey, can you change my profile name to reflect my new ingame name? BadWolf My IGN is now __BadWolf__ but I don't want the _ in my name on here. :)...
After much thought, I have decided to depart this community. Every day Bonbob7 tries to make me leave by trying to get me mad... Now he has...
Due to not enough entries, I am extending this contest until next saturday.
Your ingame name: Mistycrow The offender's ingame name: emangames55 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: swearing...
Your ingame name: Mistycrow The offender's ingame name: luciusdraven2277 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming and...
We now have several tenants! Do you want an apartment? Let me know! Rent is FREE*! *Except the deluxe ones... those are 1k every Monday...
Seems we both had the same idea, 'cept yours was a few weeks before mine. >.<
Yea, I have noticed a terrible increase in lag... I am on a landline, pay for the fasted internet available and my computer is in top condition....
Um... Not a pedophile, thanks...
Your ingame name: Mistycrow The offender's ingame name: Epicandrew52 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing/disrespect...
Your ingame name: Mistycrow The offender's ingame name: dexterpursuit A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing...
Your ingame name: Mistycrow The offender's ingame name:Kylel2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Yup, as the title says...
one entry per person please
Good suggestions! Keep 'em comin'!