Your ingame name: blackninja182 The offender's ingame name: Bombre and darknight606 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: blackninja182 The offender's ingame name: nistodan000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: was at a shop and...
.....well that's awkward
heres my screenshots as well
need 4:30 to come quick so i can get home n play -_-
i was in his (progamer6) shop when i got lavad it was warp cheapshoper n i was paused looking at my 2nd monitor how to craft something turned to...
not to mention he lavad me n dcase we both have no evidence but isnt it awful funny he had a BUCKET of lava handy to do that to KYCIVIC
there we go lol yeah i figured it was a server issue
alright man
naw its not showing up
yeah def man just go ahead n post them so we both aint in the wrong lol yeah i wasnt lieing when i didnt get it lol
ok i hoped you would see this so u can post yours i dont mean anything bad about u, just kind of sucks lol
Your in game name: blackninja182 The offender's in game name: Feckle50 A description of what rule they broke: how they broke it: made agreement on...
ill second that
not to mention he also needs to be nailed for a death warp. Proof right in the video u see the trap and he advertises it
Honestly i think it would be funny to reverse hack him just in spite and destroy his computer completely its really not all that hard. He is using...
Usually this is someone trying to get your IP address. DO NOT try to go there because then your account will most likely be hacked. Just thought i...
good job arch i hate people who make deathwraps. Its sad they cant actually earn the stuff instead of stealing from people!
BEWARE: this person has been creating alot of death warps. When i was on last night that's all he was doing was making fake sells then taking...
F2 is how u take screenshots then u have to go and retrieve them then attach them to your post