1.memefofo123 2.yegorsosin 3.scams,threatins to report because i sold cobble to him at a shop he made and lies [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Im Not Raging Lol My iron Farm Was Working So Well Too :(
what u mean o Ok????
I got More pics Butcant Post It says That i cant (mineverse says) [IMG] Wait i got it
1. Memefofo123 2 ChrisCutey123 3 Griefing, He/She Killed My Villagers In My iron Farm An She/he Refused TO Tell The Truth And Say Sorry FOR what...
what does archive me sorry
Go Ahead Words Dont Hurt me They Mane Me laugh But Idc
do u know any other good servers? lol this is the best one
idc lol I want to see what people Say But Sure Peoples Words Dont Hurt Me Only There Fists and farst :P
to look at my apeal and i Agree @madisonjr i was already called a dumb 3 times And A Head And A Idiot lol Keep Up the Negitive Posts...
i just want to by pass time im waiting for @ScoFu13
I now I wanted to see what people will write plz dont tell people say MIne is amazing they should read it lol i love making people say bad things...
Lol Got This from chez THought this was Jokes :P
Lol thoose boobs Though They Rock Jk XD
I Think that U should Add A server shop Because Not All People Feel Comfortable making player shops because Gods Titians and hacks and stuff can...
Support Even /plotme home (players name) Is Good to ether way i still support
Template To follow How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Why do...