I heard you turned into a bunny.
Unfinished Business...
Girls. Hawt girls.
hi this was typed with my feet
Support. Good luck.
Can you tell me why?
@Skylanderdavid I have never scamed before, I just don't scam people you can ask people that I "traded" with.
Wat. When?
Welcome to Hell um.. I mean... Mineverse... uhm...a... Forums, yeah... Mineverse Forums.
Hewwo ^_^
Check my moderator application out <3 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/xxxsnowwolfxxxs-moderator-v2-usa.44681/#post-446432
Why do you think you should be a mod?
Please follow the moderator application template. Then I might support. :)
Thanks dexsta XD
More detail than I will support. :)
Edit: I dun really want to be wanna be mod. I realized how much the server has gone downhill and how much the players disrespect staff on this...
Long time no see.