@Yin @Mineterria @Pile_of_Butts @MrParkourGuy @TheInsaneManiac @Elric @ScoFu13 @KatoKillsMyGPA
Your ingame name: xXxSnowWolfxXx The offender's ingame name: kero521 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were tp...
• IGN: xXxSnowWolfxXx • Age: 16 almost 17 :D • Skype (not mandatory): I prefer not to say here... • PvP Skills 1-10: 8-9 • How many hours do you...
Accepted I have invited you. Do /f join Infection to join
Edit: Made the application template a bit shorter! :3
sry xD
IGN: xXxSnowWolfxXx Spell it backwards: xXxfloWwnoSxXx Spell it with CAPS LOCK: XXXSNOWWOLFXXX Spell it with numbers: 242424191415232315126242424...
Hello, welcome to the ☠Infection☠ faction recruitment thread. ☢Rules☢ 1. No greifing any part of the faction base. 2. No hacking. (nobody likes...
u dun no me :l gud luk bruh
April fools. You thought.
Im your 100th follower. :p
I'll make it hell the happiest place on Earth
Roses are red, Violets are blue...uh.....I forgot the rest (─‿‿─)
Merry Birthday. WAIT CRAP. I mean, Happy Birthday!
1. Mos Application. -_- 2. Not enough detail. 3. Don't walk in acting all desperate liek dat boi. 4. Interact with the community better. It seems...
Ill try :I this really kills me inside. I don't wanna get another account. I love SnowWolf and I always will. I don't want anyone using my name or...