bump <3
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks!!! :D
I see you once in a while as you are pretty active, you seem like you are pretty cool and I would like to know you better :3
I really never see you so I don't have much to say :P
I don't know you that well but I would like to! :D I see that you are pretty popular around here and you seem like a nice dude. :P
can you change my name to Snow?
I do play but I do not talk in chat that much
I remember when you were one of the first Titans. We used to play with eachother like all the time. I feel like we don't even talk anymore....
Mess with the best, #GetRekt like the rest! :3
Everyone's doing it, so... why not? :)
Edited and added more info.
I play mineverse a lot, more than 2 hours a day
Changed color format, thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for feedback, Ill edit it later.