All I did is kill you multiple times there is no evidence here to show that I did that to "our" base
Sorry I'm on my iPad lol
Yes it may be your opinion but it is simply not true I just want to help so there For its false and an accusation
This is completely incorrect you shouldn't make assumptions. like laura said a couple of bad things but that was a while back I have done May more...
Thanks everyone has a bad side and I try not to let it out I do try to help people so thanks guys/girls
It's not nodus it's a glide hack probs weepcraft
How old are you: 14 In game name: Wafflezzzzzzzz What is your time zone: Utc 00:00 Country: Uk Languages I speak: French, British and a tad of...
This is complete lies all I did is kill you multiple times there is nothing wrong with this, I never inched greifed you and the chest was unlocked...
YYY is a guard
Thx for supporting him cue glad you guys are over your mini war