I know that this isn't the right place to put it but because I was only banned for a day I don't want to make an appeal but can you show me the...
I can't I don't have any I only have friend and witnesses to tell them
No I have ills end a screenshot
I Was Playing Infection Today And At 7:20 Infection Went Down So I Played A Bit Of Skyblock Warriors, I Have Been Playing Infection Alot And i Got...
What game mode is this . But anyways I will be a slave deported from Mexico or somewhere else
Is infection and voting down again ? It won't let me o either
All the screen shots they post are either lag, not me or just stupid
I know I haven't been on In a while but I come back and heybrah dickies every single post and comment I have ever made it's getting ridiculous...
I have to because it's people non stop complaining that I hack
OMFG that isn't even me just put a rest to it
Just to add also that could be whether that was or you lagging
Ae you stupid that's not me I have a different skin
I have a different skin
Wow that's not even me lol
I'm just fed up with everyone saying I hack it's completely incorrect and just boring that every single hour I have to answer people saying I hack...
Go onto %appdata% clock on .minecraft then screenshots
Just upland the proof
How can I stop hacking if I don't hack