1) ImTooHawt_ 2) Combos4Lyfe 3) Hacking (No Slow) 2:05-2:10 4)[MEDIA]
1) ImTooHawtForYa_ 2) ConsumeBleach 3) Inappropriate name & Death Threats 4) [IMG]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) MoistPalms 3) Hacking No Slow (6:01-6:07) 4) [MEDIA]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) PvP_God123 3) Advertising 4) [IMG]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) OmgItz_Bethany 3) Glitch Abuse full armor in bedwars lobby 4) [IMG]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) CuterEveeBaby 3) Death Threats 4) [IMG]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) Dark_Wolf600 3) Glitch Abuse?? she/he was wearing full armor in the bedwars lobby 4) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) russam5354 3) Death Wishes 4) [IMG]
Wow.. Just wow.. Well you're here now so why not give meh a hug :>
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) DiamondzSwag 3) Telling people to do /op so they would leave the game 4) [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) xPORN 3) Inappropriate 4) [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) Wolfie_Bae & stormospere_500 3) Harassment [Continuous Swearing, Name calling & Persistent Bullying] 4) [IMG] [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) LeDancinChicken 3) Death Threats 4) [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) Its_Obliviate 3) Hacking (No Fall & Flying) 4)[MEDIA]
Heyy in bored and can't sleep and it seems like everyone's doing one of these so eyyyy why not? Lets start :p 1. Real name: Nico 2. Nickname:...
1) Istealyourkill 2) SoarTheory003 3) Hacking 4) [MEDIA] (0:12-0:15) (He says he has alts is it possible to ip ban him?)
I think we should add a "/clan list" on Kitpvp to check who's in our clan, because sometimes you could forget or a new clan member might want to...
1) Istealyourkill 2) iAmKyle_ 3) Death Wishes 4) [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) Xx_AbiiG_xX 3) Death Wishes 4) [IMG]
1) Istealyourkill 2) Herpetologist 3) Death Wishes 4) [IMG]