Why did they even NEED a leaderboard
Support support and support
No support. You hack on bedwars with your stupid friend _Seannnn. (who is also a hacker) If you're a donor and you're going to hack, you don't...
1. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS 2. Evenro (Alt) and mattiecool (Banned Account) 3. Evenro, mattie's alt, is ban evading to play infection. As you know, evading...
The story behind my username this is rly my older brothers acc he barely uses it. so he named it like a n00b would with the weird mix of caps and...
No support but they need to make spawncamping bannable again.
B on forums: well den what shul ey doo (status) Some random noob: GET A TORCHWOOD PHOTOBOMB ST00P1d (REPLY) B on forums: (Ignores the random...
1. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS. 2. ConfirmThatFail, BlueBlaster1955 3. Trapping their teammate, MCL810, in glass. Now you may be saying )WTF(?! But since the...
Click on the tab with your name "Name Change" Change the name to what you want it to be Put in your password (Security reasons) Then explain why...
There is no K. #dealwithit.