Nice new pfp, better than the old one
it's a joke ._. Get it!?
gz to the winners
I'm not going to follow you That'd be a stalker move
What is the reward if we finish? An upgrade or something?
gud 4 u
Reason being you have too many alts.
My valentine: anybody but the mods more specifically, @dude364
You're in.
Hello 'noobcrew's noob crew noob only crew crib' c:
That's not good. You'd make a great member though :)
You fit most of the requirments, But just this once, you're in. You're in once you show me pictures of your 2 wins and 12 kills.
Your rank? Your rank?
I don't really trust nondonors or below, they're usually hackers. and YRVintage because it shows you support the server and you like playing the...
"Swagsquad" I refer to swag as sweg