BTW there are 2 AVIATORS!! One is 'fweft' One is the real Aviators WHICH IS WHICH!? maybe The aviators WE know (The scammer/Reforming) is really...
@dude364 @Sando3 @mihairosca @Nightfire CrystalCookie LaurenRylee @SwagGirlPvP_ @erika chen
Okay this isn't really an idea or suggestion. Shouldn't this go in discussion? IMO Aviators is a nice guy he got people god there's still a nice...
I actually have 3 :o In-game name: Termix11 Full exact Ban Message: YOU GET BANNED FOR HAX U NUB ~pill_of_booties Game mode banned on:...
What was the link for emailing support? please tell me thanks for mihairosca
bb <3
They were originally removed from the early gta due to being extremely overpowered. Few donor weapons remain today.
Or just go to and hit 'upload a file' or whatever then all your MC screenshots will show up find the one with the donor weapons, post...
It's good but I said off of my skin please thank you :)
Cuz no idea sorry tads i still love you <3
um wut no sorry
Isn't Valor actually MegaMudkip8?
welcome to the team jk no support
Ign: XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS Rank: 1337 "Nummer" : 69 Reason: To upgrade to supreme
which ate you
i can see it in your eyes
knock knock whos there JOHN CENA JOHN CENA who JOHN CENA dun dundun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun dun dundun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun