Can anyone make minecraft skins for me?
Players in-game name: Pile_of_Butts How you met this player: On Factions about a year ago. She sent me a massage saying that some one was using op...
Scince I can't, i'm aiming to be a captain of cruise ships
Air force pilot
I have an idea of what to make if I do make space base
I might make a space base with space ships
Will be good to do
Like a space port?
Haha OK, if you want to see my boats you welcome to
Can I help at all?
Could be done as a sort of cult/religion in a city
How do I install world edit though
I'll try and get on later :)
May be expensive but would look amazing, This sounds like a good and interesting build.
Thank you, your idea seems good
The poll was just some ideas I had, feel free to post your own ideas.
Not sure what style of build I should do when the server reset comes in august with the release of 1.8. I was hoping everyone on the forums could...
Not sure what style of build I should do when the server reset comes in august with the release of 1.8. Some idea's are:
Sun bro
all the best