Not on much anymore
Maybe wait for the servers 1.8 update and then bring out an extra server just for 1.8+. Keep this server we have right now though because It seems...
I think that it is to do with the claim limit, I have the same thing happening to me for age's
After all the time you have put into this server making it better for everyone I can't think anyone else who could be a better warden than you <3
Going to apply for deck cadet with p&o soon :D
Are we on 1.8 yet?
I will add more when I get back on my computer later today
How old are you?: 16 Your in-game name: Stocko14 What timezone are you in?: My time-zone is UTC +1 I live in England What country do you live in?:...
Can you help me please
Not sure whether I should apply for moderator or not
I cant claim at all
What, the claim limit is ridiculously small
At least increase the claim total limit for survival
Is 1.8 out yet?
Back off holiday
What's wrong?
I have been on survival for the past few hours and my number of claim blocks hasn't changed. Can anyone help me with this.
So sad :(
My crush is a girl at school however she is going out with someone else :(